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Upgrading infrastructure and retrofit industries to make them sustainable

Why it matters

Inclusive and sustainable industrialization, together with innovation and infrastructure, can unleash dynamic and competitive economic forces that generate employment and income. They play a key role in introducing and promoting new technologies, facilitating international trade and enabling the efficient use of resources.

Economic growth, social development and climate action are heavily dependent on investments in infrastructure, sustainable industrial development and technological progress. In the face of a rapidly changing global economic landscape and increasing inequalities, sustained growth must include industrialization that first of all, makes opportunities accessible to all people, and second, is supported by innovation and resilient infrastructure. So, aim is to upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries making them sustainable, with increased resource use efficiency and greater adoption of clean & environmentally sound technologies & industrial processes.

What we do

Industrial Asset Life-cycle Assessment & Management through SaaS Model

Businesses are constantly expected to increase and maintain operational effectiveness, revenue, and customer satisfaction, while simultaneously reducing capital, operating, and support costs. Today, every business needs to enhance the performance efficiency of all their industrial assets in terms of return-on-assets, safety, environmental and health compliance, and response to all customer demands, to optimise business profitability.
An industrial asset life cycle management (ALCM) model should be efficient in terms of addressing asset life cycle costs and other aspects of sustainable development, comprehensively, by integrating the concepts of generic project management frameworks and systems engineering with operational reliability. The Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution model does exactly that by utilising secure multitenancy and distributed processing to translate the staid IT infrastructure of old-fashioned ALCM models into a competitive process with cutting edge features of IoT. It is also easy to integrate with existing equipment and collection systems, and simplifies many supporting business processes as well.
EWX employs ALCM through SaaS model all along the life-cycle phases of the industrial assets starting from design, procurement, deployment, utilisation and maintenance to disposal, for maximising the performance efficiency as well as optimising its cost-effectiveness throughout its life. We ensure the safety and credibility of your industrial assets, also handhold with you and implement necessary measures into your process regarding crucial asset life-cycle decision-making, as deemed suitable for your business.

Process & Project Management Platforms (ENFLO)

Almost every organization is shifting towards remote work and virtual process and project management platforms have become a must. However, every organization has different needs from a project management platform and using the available platforms on the web does not always cater to them all.
Process and project management platforms are virtual platforms where, with the help of project management tools, you can log and monitor the various activities and stages of your project. Project management tools help you set project timelines, document tasks, club them into sprints or milestones, assign them to teammates, collaborate, and track these activities to completion. Most project management software offer reports, insights, and analysis into project execution and help you stay on track.
EWX handholds with your organization to map out your operational endeavours and develop suitable process and project management platform for your business. If you’re tired of using generalised project management platforms available on the web which doesn’t fully cater to your needs, contact us to develop and manage your own.

Compliance Management Platforms

Businesses face many challenges to smooth operation and legislation or regulatory compliances are one of them. For various legal, social, environmental, or corporate circumstances, compliance management has become a necessity for any businesses across the globe.
A compliance management system (CMS) consists of an integrated system of written documents, processes, tools, controls, and functions to make it easier for organizations to comply with legal requirements. A mature, compliant quality system requires an automated, integrated approach, and a compliance platform makes it easy to scale your quality system as the demands on it grow. The compliance platform enables quality to become a centralized hub for continuous improvement throughout your business while maintaining regulatory compliance.
We at EWX work with you to thoroughly understand and develop a CMS platform for your business to help you better manage your compliance responsibilities, better address risk management, as well as training, communication, and monitoring.

Energy Monitoring System

Tired of paying electricity bills bigger than your operation cost? As ridiculous as it may sound, it is a real issue faced by many businesses across the world. Whether you’re a believer of corporate-sustainability, or trying to reduce your operation costs, or looking for legislation compliance; energy saving is always the need of the hour and installing energy monitoring systems is a fundamental step to go about it.
Energy Monitoring Systems consists of IoT based devices which monitor the consumption of energy of the different areas of the plant during operation. This collected data gives us ideas about the energy consumptions of different areas and also information about the sudden changes in the energy requirement with additional information like the particular time, the particular area of the plant and the particular relevant process.
With years of experience and expertise in the energy-sustainability industry, EWX uses niche products like PLC, SCADA, etc. to formulate your own energy monitoring system, and our energy professionals help you maintain it all through your daily operations with personalised guidance and on-time troubleshooting.

Water Network Monitoring System

For water-extensive plants, the needs of water network management are plenty: to measure, monitor, and optimize water pipeline pressure, monitor water consumption and detect waste, locate problems regarding water quality, odour, pressure, etc. If your industry has a water extensive background and you’re worried about its maintenance, then you’ve come to the right place.
Water Network Monitoring System is a system that constantly monitors the water supply-network through a computerized network monitoring system for slow or failing components and that notifies the network administrator in case of outages or other troubles. It helps keeping the water footprint in check, reduce waste, and detect any anomaly in the network on real-time, making it easier and quicker to fix.
We analyse your business operations carefully to fixate on the parameters you need to monitor in your water supply network, and develop a monitoring system based off of your requirements. Get in touch to make your water network management easier, quicker, and hassle-free.

Environment Monitoring System

Environmental monitoring describes the activities that need to take place to characterize and monitor the quality of the environment. Environmental monitoring is used in the preparation of environmental impact assessments, as well as in many circumstances in which human activities carry a risk of harmful effects on the natural environment. Environmental Monitoring System is the process that monitors the quality of the environment.
Environment Monitoring System (EMS) is still not as popular as energy or other resource monitoring systems. Although, you might need it for complying with local legislation, or if your business belongs to certain industries like mining, oil extracting, etc. However, if you’re a pro-sustainability industrialist like us, then you might want to get in touch with us about EMS today.
We highly recommend every business to establish EMS for their facility. Depending upon your operations, EWX creates personalized EMS for your business consisting of parameters like air quality monitoring, water quality monitoring, soil quality monitoring, and many more according to your requirements.

Our Impacts

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