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Increasing share of Renewable Energy in the industrial energy mix

Why it matters

789 million people lack access to electricity.

Renewable energies are sources of clean, inexhaustible and increasingly competitive energy. They differ from fossil fuels principally in their diversity, abundance and potential for use anywhere on the planet, but above all in that they produce neither greenhouse gases – which cause climate change – nor polluting emissions. Their costs are also falling and at a sustainable rate, whereas the general cost trend for fossil fuels is in the opposite direction in spite of their present volatility.

Moreover, global electricity use is rising rapidly. In a nutshell, without a stable electricity supply, industries will not be able to power their economies .As an indigenous resource, they eliminate the need to import fossil fuels from countries rich in gas, and oil. The cost of renewable energies is foreseeable and can be planned for solely on the basis of the necessary investment to exploit them - and not the cost of the raw material. Fossil fuels, especially oil, are subject to large fluctuations which result in speculation in the markets and upset any planning. So, businesses and industries investing in renewable energy can avoid disruptions, including resilience to weather-related impacts of climate change and help to achieve net zero goals leading to carbon neutrality.

What we do

Solar Energy Systems

Climate change is a recurring concern and investing in renewable energy is the new norm today. A naturally gifted country like India has a good opportunity to become a pioneer in the renewable energy revolution. Solar energy is one of the most popular among industrialists, and the most available to integrate one as well. It doesn’t only make your business green, but also sustainable in the long run. Solar energy is also easy to install, and can be effectively optimised in a combination with regular fossil fuel energy for economic benefits.
We operate with expertise, to aid your energy ecosystem with practically feasible alternatives of incorporating solar energy into your business. Establishing curated energy ecosystem combining fossil fuel and renewable energy resources within your organisation, to benefit you strategically, environmentally and financially on a long-term basis, is how EWX operates.


If you have been given Renewable Purchase Obligations (RPO) targets by your State Electricity Regulatory Commission (SERC) and struggling to put together a Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) acquisition policy for your organisation, this is the right place for you.
REC mechanism is a market-based instrument to promote renewable energy and facilitate compliance of RPO. It is aimed at addressing the mismatch between availability of renewable energy resources in state and the requirement of the obligated entities to meet the RPO. To take full advantage of this system and take your organisation a hundred steps forward to becoming a sustainable enterprise, this government-initiated scheme is a great opportunity.
EWX helps you comply with your RPO target alongside improving your non-renewable energy efficiency to achieve your target faster, and make your brand greener. From conducting high-utility constructive audits to actualising suitable energy-resource distribution planning, we provide you end-to-end support for all your energy needs.


Alternative Fuel and Raw materials (AFRs) are the latest popular additions in the climate-action revolution of industries, and Refuse-derived fuels (RDFs) are a part of it. Specifically, among the heavy industries like cement, the usage of AFRs to counteract their environmental impact, reduce production cost, and increase enterprise-sustainability is gaining immense popularity.
AFR refer to the wastes used to substitute partially or fully the fossil fuel and the natural mineral resources in a waste management scheme called co-processing. Throughout the last two decades, tremendous researches have been carried out to investigate the possibility to reduce the cement plants’ costs in terms of raw materials and fuel consumption. Different types of AFRs have been used and proved their efficiencies such as sewage sludge, used tires, crushed aggregates, RDFs, red mud, ash and others.
With our long work-history in the cement industry, EWX has its own share of experience with R&D and the commercial use of AFRs. Our expertise lies with choosing the appropriate use of AFRs for your industrial facility, in order to reduce your production cost without compromising your product-quality, as well as disposing your AFR wastes back into your production cycle minimising your GHG emission in the process.

Our Impact

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